/*! * headroom.js v0.9.4 - Give your page some headroom. Hide your header until you need it * Copyright (c) 2017 Nick Williams - http://wicky.nillia.ms/headroom.js * License: MIT */ (function(root, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define([], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // COMMONJS module.exports = factory(); } else { // BROWSER root.Headroom = factory(); } }(this, function() { 'use strict'; /* exported features */ var features = { bind : !!(function(){}.bind), classList : 'classList' in document.documentElement, rAF : !!(window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame) }; window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame; /** * Handles debouncing of events via requestAnimationFrame * @see http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/speed/animations/ * @param {Function} callback The callback to handle whichever event */ function Debouncer (callback) { this.callback = callback; this.ticking = false; } Debouncer.prototype = { constructor : Debouncer, /** * dispatches the event to the supplied callback * @private */ update : function() { this.callback && this.callback(); this.ticking = false; }, /** * ensures events don't get stacked * @private */ requestTick : function() { if(!this.ticking) { requestAnimationFrame(this.rafCallback || (this.rafCallback = this.update.bind(this))); this.ticking = true; } }, /** * Attach this as the event listeners */ handleEvent : function() { this.requestTick(); } }; /** * Check if object is part of the DOM * @constructor * @param {Object} obj element to check */ function isDOMElement(obj) { return obj && typeof window !== 'undefined' && (obj === window || obj.nodeType); } /** * Helper function for extending objects */ function extend (object /*, objectN ... */) { if(arguments.length <= 0) { throw new Error('Missing arguments in extend function'); } var result = object || {}, key, i; for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var replacement = arguments[i] || {}; for (key in replacement) { // Recurse into object except if the object is a DOM element if(typeof result[key] === 'object' && ! isDOMElement(result[key])) { result[key] = extend(result[key], replacement[key]); } else { result[key] = result[key] || replacement[key]; } } } return result; } /** * Helper function for normalizing tolerance option to object format */ function normalizeTolerance (t) { return t === Object(t) ? t : { down : t, up : t }; } /** * UI enhancement for fixed headers. * Hides header when scrolling down * Shows header when scrolling up * @constructor * @param {DOMElement} elem the header element * @param {Object} options options for the widget */ function Headroom (elem, options) { options = extend(options, Headroom.options); this.lastKnownScrollY = 0; this.elem = elem; this.tolerance = normalizeTolerance(options.tolerance); this.classes = options.classes; this.offset = options.offset; this.scroller = options.scroller; this.initialised = false; this.onPin = options.onPin; this.onUnpin = options.onUnpin; this.onTop = options.onTop; this.onNotTop = options.onNotTop; this.onBottom = options.onBottom; this.onNotBottom = options.onNotBottom; } Headroom.prototype = { constructor : Headroom, /** * Initialises the widget */ init : function() { if(!Headroom.cutsTheMustard) { return; } this.debouncer = new Debouncer(this.update.bind(this)); this.elem.classList.add(this.classes.initial); // defer event registration to handle browser // potentially restoring previous scroll position setTimeout(this.attachEvent.bind(this), 100); return this; }, /** * Unattaches events and removes any classes that were added */ destroy : function() { var classes = this.classes; this.initialised = false; for (var key in classes) { if(classes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.elem.classList.remove(classes[key]); } } this.scroller.removeEventListener('scroll', this.debouncer, false); }, /** * Attaches the scroll event * @private */ attachEvent : function() { if(!this.initialised){ this.lastKnownScrollY = this.getScrollY(); this.initialised = true; this.scroller.addEventListener('scroll', this.debouncer, false); this.debouncer.handleEvent(); } }, /** * Unpins the header if it's currently pinned */ unpin : function() { var classList = this.elem.classList, classes = this.classes; if(classList.contains(classes.pinned) || !classList.contains(classes.unpinned)) { classList.add(classes.unpinned); classList.remove(classes.pinned); this.onUnpin && this.onUnpin.call(this); } }, /** * Pins the header if it's currently unpinned */ pin : function() { var classList = this.elem.classList, classes = this.classes; if(classList.contains(classes.unpinned)) { classList.remove(classes.unpinned); classList.add(classes.pinned); this.onPin && this.onPin.call(this); } }, /** * Handles the top states */ top : function() { var classList = this.elem.classList, classes = this.classes; if(!classList.contains(classes.top)) { classList.add(classes.top); classList.remove(classes.notTop); this.onTop && this.onTop.call(this); } }, /** * Handles the not top state */ notTop : function() { var classList = this.elem.classList, classes = this.classes; if(!classList.contains(classes.notTop)) { classList.add(classes.notTop); classList.remove(classes.top); this.onNotTop && this.onNotTop.call(this); } }, bottom : function() { var classList = this.elem.classList, classes = this.classes; if(!classList.contains(classes.bottom)) { classList.add(classes.bottom); classList.remove(classes.notBottom); this.onBottom && this.onBottom.call(this); } }, /** * Handles the not top state */ notBottom : function() { var classList = this.elem.classList, classes = this.classes; if(!classList.contains(classes.notBottom)) { classList.add(classes.notBottom); classList.remove(classes.bottom); this.onNotBottom && this.onNotBottom.call(this); } }, /** * Gets the Y scroll position * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window.scrollY * @return {Number} pixels the page has scrolled along the Y-axis */ getScrollY : function() { return (this.scroller.pageYOffset !== undefined) ? this.scroller.pageYOffset : (this.scroller.scrollTop !== undefined) ? this.scroller.scrollTop : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop; }, /** * Gets the height of the viewport * @see http://andylangton.co.uk/blog/development/get-viewport-size-width-and-height-javascript * @return {int} the height of the viewport in pixels */ getViewportHeight : function () { return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; }, /** * Gets the physical height of the DOM element * @param {Object} elm the element to calculate the physical height of which * @return {int} the physical height of the element in pixels */ getElementPhysicalHeight : function (elm) { return Math.max( elm.offsetHeight, elm.clientHeight ); }, /** * Gets the physical height of the scroller element * @return {int} the physical height of the scroller element in pixels */ getScrollerPhysicalHeight : function () { return (this.scroller === window || this.scroller === document.body) ? this.getViewportHeight() : this.getElementPhysicalHeight(this.scroller); }, /** * Gets the height of the document * @see http://james.padolsey.com/javascript/get-document-height-cross-browser/ * @return {int} the height of the document in pixels */ getDocumentHeight : function () { var body = document.body, documentElement = document.documentElement; return Math.max( body.scrollHeight, documentElement.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, documentElement.offsetHeight, body.clientHeight, documentElement.clientHeight ); }, /** * Gets the height of the DOM element * @param {Object} elm the element to calculate the height of which * @return {int} the height of the element in pixels */ getElementHeight : function (elm) { return Math.max( elm.scrollHeight, elm.offsetHeight, elm.clientHeight ); }, /** * Gets the height of the scroller element * @return {int} the height of the scroller element in pixels */ getScrollerHeight : function () { return (this.scroller === window || this.scroller === document.body) ? this.getDocumentHeight() : this.getElementHeight(this.scroller); }, /** * determines if the scroll position is outside of document boundaries * @param {int} currentScrollY the current y scroll position * @return {bool} true if out of bounds, false otherwise */ isOutOfBounds : function (currentScrollY) { var pastTop = currentScrollY < 0, pastBottom = currentScrollY + this.getScrollerPhysicalHeight() > this.getScrollerHeight(); return pastTop || pastBottom; }, /** * determines if the tolerance has been exceeded * @param {int} currentScrollY the current scroll y position * @return {bool} true if tolerance exceeded, false otherwise */ toleranceExceeded : function (currentScrollY, direction) { return Math.abs(currentScrollY-this.lastKnownScrollY) >= this.tolerance[direction]; }, /** * determine if it is appropriate to unpin * @param {int} currentScrollY the current y scroll position * @param {bool} toleranceExceeded has the tolerance been exceeded? * @return {bool} true if should unpin, false otherwise */ shouldUnpin : function (currentScrollY, toleranceExceeded) { var scrollingDown = currentScrollY > this.lastKnownScrollY, pastOffset = currentScrollY >= this.offset; return scrollingDown && pastOffset && toleranceExceeded; }, /** * determine if it is appropriate to pin * @param {int} currentScrollY the current y scroll position * @param {bool} toleranceExceeded has the tolerance been exceeded? * @return {bool} true if should pin, false otherwise */ shouldPin : function (currentScrollY, toleranceExceeded) { var scrollingUp = currentScrollY < this.lastKnownScrollY, pastOffset = currentScrollY <= this.offset; return (scrollingUp && toleranceExceeded) || pastOffset; }, /** * Handles updating the state of the widget */ update : function() { var currentScrollY = this.getScrollY(), scrollDirection = currentScrollY > this.lastKnownScrollY ? 'down' : 'up', toleranceExceeded = this.toleranceExceeded(currentScrollY, scrollDirection); if(this.isOutOfBounds(currentScrollY)) { // Ignore bouncy scrolling in OSX return; } if (currentScrollY <= this.offset ) { this.top(); } else { this.notTop(); } if(currentScrollY + this.getViewportHeight() >= this.getScrollerHeight()) { this.bottom(); } else { this.notBottom(); } if(this.shouldUnpin(currentScrollY, toleranceExceeded)) { this.unpin(); } else if(this.shouldPin(currentScrollY, toleranceExceeded)) { this.pin(); } this.lastKnownScrollY = currentScrollY; } }; /** * Default options * @type {Object} */ Headroom.options = { tolerance : { up : 0, down : 0 }, offset : 0, scroller: window, classes : { pinned : 'headroom--pinned', unpinned : 'headroom--unpinned', top : 'headroom--top', notTop : 'headroom--not-top', bottom : 'headroom--bottom', notBottom : 'headroom--not-bottom', initial : 'headroom' } }; Headroom.cutsTheMustard = typeof features !== 'undefined' && features.rAF && features.bind && features.classList; return Headroom; })); (function($) { if(!$) { return; } //////////// // Plugin // //////////// $.fn.headroom = function(option) { return this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('headroom'), options = typeof option === 'object' && option; options = $.extend(true, {}, Headroom.options, options); if (!data) { data = new Headroom(this, options); data.init(); $this.data('headroom', data); } if (typeof option === 'string') { data[option](); if(option === 'destroy'){ $this.removeData('headroom'); } } }); }; ////////////// // Data API // ////////////// $('[data-headroom]').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.headroom($this.data()); }); }(window.Zepto || window.jQuery));