/** * Total Custom JS * * @package Total * * Distributed under the MIT license - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ jQuery(function ($) { /* Sticky Header */ var hHeight = 0; var adminbarHeight = 0; if ($('body').hasClass('admin-bar')) { adminbarHeight = 32; } var $stickyHeader = $('.ht-header'); if ($('.ht-sticky-header').length > 0 && $stickyHeader.length > 0) { hHeight = $stickyHeader.outerHeight(); $pageWrapper = $('#ht-content'); var hOffset = $stickyHeader.offset().top; var offset = hOffset - adminbarHeight + 2; $stickyHeader.headroom({ offset: offset, onTop: function () { $pageWrapper.css({ paddingTop: 0 }); }, onNotTop: function () { $pageWrapper.css({ paddingTop: hHeight + 'px' }); } }); } if ($('#ht-bx-slider .ht-slide').length > 0) { $('#ht-bx-slider').owlCarousel({ rtl: JSON.parse(total_localize.is_rtl), autoplay: true, items: 1, loop: true, nav: true, dots: false, autoplayTimeout: 7000, animateOut: 'fadeOut' }); } $('.ht-testimonial-slider').owlCarousel({ rtl: JSON.parse(total_localize.is_rtl), autoplay: true, items: 1, loop: true, nav: true, dots: false, autoplayTimeout: 7000, navText: ['', ''] }); 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